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19 mai 2011 4 19 /05 /mai /2011 06:31



 Une audience se tiendra aujourd'hui jeudi 19 mai 2011 pour examiner une demande de remise en liberté sous caution de Dominique Strauss-Kahn. D'après le Washingtonpost, la libération surveillée pourrait se faire avec port d'un bracelet électronique. DSK résiderait dans l'appartement new-yorkais de sa fille.


Doc de Haguenau 19 mai 2011


The paparazzi may snap an unflattering photo now and then, but a mugshot is never a pretty picture. Here's our roundup of Hollywood stars who've faced the long lens of the law...

Dominique Strauss-Kahn is being held in protective custody without bail on charges he tried to rape a maid at a midtown hotel. While he preserves and is fighting for his innocence, he abruptly stepped down as the head of the International Monetary Fund on May 18, 2011.

The French powerbroker is being held at Rikers Island and is being forced to wear a blue suicide-prevention smock that is too bulky to make into a noose and too tough to tear.

Hoping to trade the high-security pied-a-terre for his daughter's Manhattan apartment, he will be in court on May 19 to make a pitch for release on $1 million cash bail.

The paparazzi may snap an unflattering photo now and then, but a mugshot is never a pretty picture. Here's our roundup of Hollywood stars who've faced the long lens of the law... <br><br> Dominique Strauss-Kahn is being held in protective custody without bail on charges he tried to rape a maid at a midtown hotel. While he preserves and is fighting for his innocence, he abruptly stepped down as the head of the International Monetary Fund on May 18, 2011. <br><br> The French powerbroker is being held at Rikers Island and is being forced to wear a <a href="http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2011/05/18/2011-05-18_dominique_strausskahn_charged_with_sexually_assaulting_hotel_maid_intends_to_res.html" target="_blank">blue suicide-prevention smock</a> that is too bulky to make into a noose and too tough to tear. <br><br> Hoping to trade the high-security pied-a-terre for his daughter's Manhattan apartment, he will be in court on May 19 to make a pitch for release on $1 million cash bail.

Credits: New York State



DSK: Libéré sous caution avec bracelet electronique?




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Et si vous arrêtiez de fumer? Ne repoussez pas tout le temps la décision à demain, une fois les complications arrivées, vous vous direz si seulement j'avais arrêté...



The session consists first in a group therapy, and then in individual mesotherapy injections under the skin, with a small needle at both ears.
The mixture injected is purely homeopathic, it causes the disgust of the cigarette, he fought against the urge to smoke, irritability, and against the craving.
One session is required in almost all cases. 

Nicotine withdrawal by homeopathic mesotherapy 


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