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25 août 2014 1 25 /08 /août /2014 18:53
Plastique fessière de Kim Kardashian ("Yes, my butt is big" and it was allegedly a quote of Kim Kardashian)

Plastique fessière de Kim Kardashian ("Yes, my butt is big" and it was allegedly a quote of Kim Kardashian)

Kim Kardashian - the Rear End Challenge

So from ice buckets to posteriors, I saw this cover at the grocery store, and the headline was basically, "yes, my butt is big" and it was allegedly a quote of Kim Kardashian (Oui, j'ai un gros cul, et cette allégation viendrait de Kim Kardashian elle-même).

Apparently both this woman, and much of pop culture, is infatuated with her rear-end.

I'll be honest, I'm completely at a loss to understand Kardashian. Yes, I get it - she's attractive. But basically it's this weird mix of Sophia Lauren, Zsa Zsa Gabor, and a porno. Kardashian comes to being popular because basically she made a porno video. From there, she parlays that into an empire.

Now you may have sour grapes about that - but again - the entire routine is because she understands (perhaps instinctively) of how you sell a brand in an age where everyone has a camera, everyone is a video star, everyone can make a message that gets transmitted to millions. It's again through the individual lens.

This woman has 23 million followers on Twitter. Let's presume half are fake accounts, or whackadoos, or whatever. Fine - 12 million REAL BONAFIDE PEOPLE living off this woman's every utterance.

Most of it is about her butt.

http://instagram.com/p/rm1G6euS3t/ (This is a photo that Kim posted to her profile on Twitter/Instagram. She called attention to it.)



What? I mean seriously. It goes on and on - the silly stuff. But here she has a huge audience (and a huge rear end according to her), and the taglines she writes became headlines - Kim Upset about huge Butt.

It's beyond silly.

But again, she seems to understand that her popularity and her cultural swag is entirely dependent upon the people who view her. That audience was built through the eyes of her audience, not the other way around. She's hardly a good role model, or a bad one even. It's just kind of bizarre - people are attracted to her. What's she eating. What's she doing.

Again, all through the voyeuristic lens. It's about the individual.



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